Ruth was born in Scunthorpe where her father worked in the steel industry, then moved to Brigg where family members still live today. Ruth went to Doncaster at 18 to train as a teacher and has been involved in the Education sector throughout her life.
Ruth was a governor at Doncaster College for eight years and a governor at North Lindsey College for two and is now governor on DN Colleges Group Board. She is Chair of the Higher Education Performance & Quality committee and a member of Curriculum Quality & Performance Committee. She is also the lead governor for Careers & Information, Advice and Guidance. She is a Trustee of Inspiring Futures Multi Academy Trust and a governor of Plover Primary school, both in Doncaster.
Ruth has now established her own business as a consultant and coach, supporting senior leaders, governors and management teams to bring rigour and innovation to their work in education, local government, small businesses, training organisations and the charity sector.
Ruth has three sons and one granddaughter so family time is precious. She enjoys being outside walking or gardening, travelling and meeting up with distant relatives across the world whenever possible.